Monday, 16 March 2015

How to burn your calories with or without sport?

How to burn calories?

By multiplying the workout, of course! But not only ... Follow the guide, there are many ways to burn calories. And losing a bit here and a bit there, it ends after the end of the day!

How to burn his calories with sport?

A priori, it is mathematical. The more you do sports frequently and intensely, burning more calories.
Tip: choose a sport that suits you and you enjoy, because you have to practice over time.
Second tip: increase the pace and effort gradually.

Sport and caloric expenditure: some benchmarks

Yoga: 100 cal / hour
Golf: 130 cal / hour
Walking: 180-200 cal / hour
The gym: 360 cal / hour
Water aerobics: 400 cal / hour
Cycling: 400-500 cal / hour
Swimming: 400 cal / hour
Jogging: 600-700 cal / hour
Tennis: 600 cal / hour
Skating: 800 cal / hour
Squash: 900 cal / hour

How else to spend your calories?

There are many other ways to spend calories than winning sports sessions.
Another source of expenditure digestion and storage of nutrients! 10% of our energy goes into what is called food thermogenesis.
The 20-40% is the fact of our physical activities that are highly variable from one person to another. But beware, that says physical activity does not necessarily mean sport. In this area, all in all and everything adds up. In other words, the more active you are, the more you spend, even if we do not do sports, because everything we do in the day burns calories. For example, a non-athletic woman but who takes care of children, working in the office, prepare 3 meals, setting the table, took his car, walk home baker, performs some household activities, etc., expenses already easily more than 2,000 calories. But this woman can do better ...
Yes, we often forget that many other activities burn, too, calories. But most of our expenses is attributable to the functioning of our body. Our basic metabolism uses 60 to 70% of our total energy. Indeed, our various organs are large consumers of energy to operate. Thus, even at rest, we burn a lot of calories.

Small things to know to burn more calories

Collect walk: for every half hour, you eliminate at least 90 calories. And faster you walk down the street, the more you spend.
Do not ignore the housework: 30 minutes of vacuuming and you burn 100 calories, more than yoga or golf!
Whenever you shop, you lose 400 calories.
A DIY quarter hour results in an expenditure of 50 calories. What reconcile with this activity.
Gardening is much paying with 400 calories per hour.
Finally, multiply hugs: making love is also a spendthrift activity energy: it will cost between 200 and 300 calories to your prowess!
Merely thinking is an energy expenditure: 64 calories / hour. A little more than sleep (only 60 calories) except we sleep much longer than we think: well, a night of 8 hours of sleep is 480 calories burned.
And remember that to lose weight, you have to spend more than we consume ... So be active, but also review your diet.

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