Place in a
starchy diet is one of the most debated things. What about today?
It puts the
church in the village ...
Starchy foods: a definition
starchy term is not very scientific. Is designated by the word of the foods
that are composed primarily of carbohydrates, but are not "sweet" in
the traditional sense. Also referred to as complex carbohydrates, by opposition
to simple carbohydrates, themselves, bring the sweet taste.
foods occupy an important place in our diet:
Cereals (or derived products, such as flour or grits).
Legumes (beans, dry, chickpeas, lentils, etc.).
Tubers (potatoes, sweet potatoes).
only problem is that they have acquired in recent years a bad name. Many plans
consist effect ruthlessly eliminate everything that looks like a starchy food
for their preferred foods rich in protein.
Why are they sometimes discouraged starchy part of the plans?
foods bring us a lot of calories - well, it depends what you compare them.
Weight for weight, they are between the meat and vegetables.
counting calories pure is not used to anything. If starches are known to
"fatten" is mainly for three reasons:
They are the family of sugars, or we consume too much sugar.
We are happy to eat refined carbohydrates (white bread, washed rice, etc.).
Starchy foods are often eaten with fatty or sugary foods: jam sandwich,
macaroni and cheese, etc.
Starchy foods: it's all in how to eat
does not forget that starchy foods are also desaliments valuable.
they represent a very efficient source of energy - that's also why they are the
staple diet of humans almost everywhere on earth!
is therefore recommended to eat starchy foods at every meal - but according to
his appetite and no more.
starches do not give us that complex carbohydrates. They can, if well chosen,
bring us a lot defibred (in the case of whole grains), vitamins and minerals,
but also proteins (legumes are rich).
Starches: 4 Tips to get the best
It is easy to exceed the starchy dose.
eating as soon as you have the impression of having a full stomach!
Always prefer whole grains for refined grains.
pasta and rice are not only health benefits, but also a much richer taste.
Have a light hand on the accompanying starchy foods: butter, cream, cheese,
sauce or jam sweet version, etc.
See starches as an accompaniment.
should represent about a quarter of your meal, no more!
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