Sunday, 27 March 2016

Diet and lowering cholesterol

The cholesterol-lowering diet and medications are very effective in reducing cholesterol levels, but also binding.

And if losing weight was as effective against cholesterol, in addition to many other health benefits?

Weight loss: Measurement flagship anticholesterol

Regardless of cholesterol-lowering drugs and diet, weight loss alone causes a decline in the levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.  cholesterol and triglycerides. Meanwhile, the levels of "good" cholesterol increases.
These effects on cholesterol are found quickly, within two months following a weight loss of 10% from the initial weight.
Then, lower cholesterol persists over time if the ideal weight is maintained.

Additional effects of weight loss

Weight loss is not only important for cholesterol. It is also beneficial for the entire cardiovascular system (blood circulation, heart function ...), but also to prevent the risk of hypertension, diabetes ...
Losing weight is also beneficial for morale with better self-image and self-esteem, and ultimately improving the quality of life!

And how to go about losing weight?

It must reasonably decrease your caloric intake.
To do this, start by reducing the share of food of animal origin and by favoring plants: vegetables, fruits, whole grains.
Obviously, also prefer the good fats to the detriment of poor: pass including olive oil and rapeseed.
Finally, eat fish 3 times a week for their omega-3 beneficial to health, and remove any snacking.
Another great rule to lose weight is to make physical activity as much as possible, even if it is moderate. This is not the intensity that matters most, but regularity. Also note that all adds: walking, DIY, gardening, climbing stairs, walking the dog ...
This lifestyle will benefit you throughout your life and your health in general. It would be a shame not to try before having to take medication every day and eliminate foods containing cholesterol!

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