It is not easy to follow a low calorie diet over the long term. The enemy number 1 is the munchies.
To get rid of, distribute smarter your daily calories authorized
by attacking the day with half the calories at breakfast.
To lose weight, go for breakfast
What is the best tactic to lose weight? Eat less and eat better
In practice, it seems that the breakfast is a key element in the
distribution of calories throughout the day. A study with impressive results
over the long term, it is best to consume the calories allowed by the plan from
the breakfast.
This certainly caloric distribution allows to achieve a good
satiety and thus avoid cravings. But those are the compulsive cravings that are
responsible for the failures of ?? low calorie diets.
Low calorie diet: a convincing demonstration
The conditions and conclusions of this study. One hundred obese
and sedentary women were assigned to a low calorie diet but providing a
different distribution of carbohydrates (simple and complex sugars). Half of
them were to breakfast the lightest meal (290 calories on 1,085 total calories
allowed per day), the other half having instructed to make a hearty breakfast,
up to half of daily calories, 610 calories for breakfast on 1,240 total daily
calories. This hearty breakfast included 58 g carbohydrates, 47 g protein, 22 g
Four months later, the weight loss is slightly higher among women
taking a very light breakfast (12.7 kg) compared to those who make a hearty
breakfast (9.5 kg). However, the trend reversed frankly after 8 months of plan
since the women in the first group gained weight: 8.2 kg on average, while
those assigned to the hearty breakfast continued to lose weight : - 7.5 kg on
In the end, about 8 months, a plan with a hearty breakfast allowed
women to lose 21% of their weight, against 4.5% with a very light breakfast.
In conclusion, finished breakfasts on the go. Sit back and take
the time to take this real meal. This way you attack the day with a lasting
feeling of satiety, which is essential for weight loss in the long run by
resisting cravings and sudden sweet cravings.
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