Sunday, 20 March 2016

My child has a weight problem: how to react?

The whole family has to take the same meals, otherwise the child will feel "left out", that is like punishing him: he may suffer and sometimes eating in secret.

The child is not only in the "Plan". It's all in the family who has to learn to eat better every day.

Limit the temptation to refill avoiding leaving the flat on the table, or just the amount needed to prepare the entire family meal.
To slow your child if he eats too fast, wait until everyone has finished to the next dish.
Do not eat while watching TV because it often promotes greater food intake.
Adapt to the appetite of children. For example, do not force them to finish their plate, but do not let them insofar choose what they want to eat.
Eat every day
In a day, three meals and a snack are sufficient!
Do not snack between meals and snacks, and do not drink sugary drinks (even milk).
Replaces the bread pastries and cakes at breakfast and lunch.
A dairy (cheese or dairy) per meal is enough: we do not combines the two in the same meal.
A serving of meat (ham, meat, fish or egg) per day is enough: no need to do at night if the child has already eaten at noon.
Limit systematic seasonings on all dishes mayonnaise, sweet sauces, grated cheese ??
You have to eat 5 fruits and vegetables every day, so we must use it at every meal!
Drink only water!
Move every day
On each occasion, choose the stairs to the detriment of elevators and escalators.
For short trips, promote walking, scooters, cycling or rollerblading instead of the car.
Get off the bus or subway a stop before your station.
After school, take the kids for a walk or square.
On Saturday and Sunday, systematically planning an exit to the outside.
Limit the use of the stroller when the child is old enough to walk.
Encourage your child to practice sports according to their tastes so he wanted to go there regularly.

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