Thursday 25 December 2014

Protein diet: "miracle" diet?

Although very radicals, protein diets are still popular, especially after the holidays. Objects of a real business, they promise dramatic weight loss. Should we be wary?

The protein diet: invincible
When she joined the family table this Christmas Eve, Estelle sulking delicious dish offered to her. His egg dish and lean ham prepared the night before turning in the microwave. Faced with the Yule log, even intransigent attitude. "Not very nice indeed, she says. But at least it works! I have lost 12 pounds in a little over two months." This dramatic weight loss, combined with a feeling of satiety is the key argument of the proponents of the method "Dukan" that follows Estelle. A method that is part of the so-called protein diets

.Increase protein and exclude sugar
In this type of plan, the person who wants to lose weight center their diet on protein, which increases the proportion, sometimes drastically. At the expense of other food groups, carbohydrates in mind. Proponents of this type of diet based their arguments on the virtues of proteins. Their low energy efficiency requires the body to use stored fat reserves.

Over-consumption of protein also limits the losses of muscle mass during weight loss. Finally, it raises the secretion of ketone bodies, which cause a significant feeling of satiety.

Protein diet: a very strict diet
The protein diets are usually held in several distinct stages. The Dukan method begins for example by a phase of "attack." For 3 to 10 days, the person should strictly stick to a list of protein products (lean meat, dairy ... 0%). Then return to vegetables every other day. This alternation of said phase ends when the person has reached the desired weight. A long consolidation phase closing the regime. It organizes a gradual return to a balanced diet.

The protein diet did not unanimous
Dieticians are skeptical about protein diets. For them, such schemes are often an illusion.

"People believe that they will resolve within a few weeks of bad eating habits established sometimes for years," says Thierry Denies, dietician.

"But these plans do not educate a balanced diet in the long term, they do not permanently change habits."

Another problem is the significant risk of rebound effect. "The phase that reintegrates gradually banned food groups is particularly difficult to negotiate. It lasts a long time and is not rewarding because no one loses weight. After long deprived many people crack and show very fast weight. "

Protein diet: the caution!
Protein diets are not to be taken lightly. Too often followed after just reading a book or a website, it does not yet provide medical assistance. A large intake of protein can be particularly dangerous for people suffering from kidney failure. Anarchic follow directions could finally lead to significant deficiencies in vitamins and micronutrients ...

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