Sunday 28 December 2014


The DASH Plan (Plan against hypertension) was twice elected best diet in the United States this year.

The opportunity to address this new approach is balance.

DASH, a regime that beats them all

In the US, the DASH plan is considered even better than the Mediterranean diet, according to articles published in mainstream journals by dieticians teams.

Originally, the plan is to fight against hypertension - the acronym DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.

The method is therefore richer than simply limiting calories. Special attention is devoted to such potassium intake, magnesium and calcium. And sodium - common salt - himself is very limited in this approach since a diet high in salt increases the risk of hypertension.

The effectiveness of the DASH diet is it proven?

Two studies (1) have been carried out, each on a little over 400 people. The first compared the results of the DASH plan, regular eating and simply more diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

The DASH plan is much more effective.
Its effects can be also very fast, after two weeks. The second study showed that when the DASH plan is combined with a decrease in sodium intake, it is even more effective in lowering blood pressure.

The plan is also interesting for people who do not suffer from hypertension, but simply want to lose weight. Indeed, it reduces the intake of calories, but is very balanced: all the nutrients are there and no undue restrictions are required.

What is the DASH plan?
Per day:

6-8 cereal portions
complete preference (one serving = one slice of bread or half a cup of cooked rice or pasta).
4 or 5 servings of vegetables
(one serving = ½ cup of cooked or raw vegetables or vegetable juice).
4 or 5 servings of fruit
(one serving equals a medium fruit or half a cup of cooked fruit juices or fruit).
2 or 3 servings of milk and low fat dairy products or fat-free
(one serving = one cup of milk or yogurt).
180 g of meat maximum.
2 or 3 servings of fat
(one serving = one teaspoon).
Other elements are consuming less than once a day:

Nuts, seeds and dried vegetables, 4-5 servings per week (one serving = 15g of nuts or a half-cup of cooked dried vegetables)
Sugar: 5 servings per week (one serving = one tablespoon of sugar, jam, honey etc., or a glass of sweet drink)


Nothing is forbidden, so even if moderation is waiting for you. And balance is what counts from the beginning, there is no intense phase loss + dietary imbalance. That does not prevent the effectiveness ...

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