Monday 22 December 2014

Smoking also makes you fat!

The long-term smoking promotes stomach outlet. Certainly, smokers increase their basal energy expenditure by consuming cigarette after cigarette, nicotine but also has an effect on the hormonal balance, which changes in fat distribution. Thus smokers and smokers tend to take belly instead of losing ?? ..

The thinness of the smoker does not last
Scores of people think that smoking makes you lose weight. Others do not think that the smoke and deliberately for fear of gaining weight or do not dare to stop their smoking fearing a strong weight gain after stopping. The reality is quite different and much more complex. In fact, the thinness of smokers is only transitory. Indeed, consumption of cigarettes increases the basal metabolic rate by 3% during the hour. Thus the daily energy expenditure of smokers that burn a pack a day pass 2230-3445 calories.

In addition, smoking reduces appetite (anorectic action) and increases the feeling of satiety. But the effects of nicotine are far from being confined to only metabolic effects. Nicotine also has a direct effect on the hormonal balance. But this hormonal change leads to accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Beyond an aesthetic concern, abdominal fat deposition is accompanied by an increase of cardiovascular risk, through the installation of a metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance. In short, this new distribution of body fat is harmful to health. Especially as localized at waist level, the extra 
.pounds are particularly difficult to remove 

Fats are installed on your stomach in smokers
Overall, we can say that if young people who smoke feel winners about their weight, it will only be for a short period because this pseudo advantage in the longer term inverse. Indeed, the smoker "aging", be it a man or a woman, the pounds gradually become concentrated around the belly, which are particularly difficult to dislodge and cause additional risks health (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, respiratory failure ??). The weight loss of the first years of smoking is an illusion that must warn young and perhaps even more particularly girls

Towards a masculinization of young smokers
Indeed, this change in the distribution of body fat to the center of the body, particularly in the abdomen, is a typical male distribution called android, as opposed to female distribution of fat masses called gynoid. In other words, smoking tends to make women lose their femininity forms! It is important to explain it to them so that they understand that smoking is not a friend who can make lasting weight loss; or prevent them to grow later ?? ...

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