Saturday 7 February 2015


Take supplements to fill a deficiency, be fit, improve intestinal transit, etc., that's fine. But be careful not to do anything. To avoid mistakes and disappointments, ask your pharmacist.

Food supplements, we talk a lot and we take more. Sales increased in fact 10% per year. It is surprising for such a craze. In reality, it is easily explained by the changes in our way of life for fifty years: a diet less natural and more unbalanced, that is to say both too rich (fats and sugars) and deficient (vitamins, trace elements ??), a stressful life, largely sedentary ??

Correct deficiencies and imbalances

Taking appropriate supplements can correct the weaknesses and imbalances, to live better, healthier, and even prevent certain diseases. Their interest is no longer in doubt today. Studies showing the beneficial health effects are legion, including to prevent cancer. In 2003, the famous SUVIMAX study, conducted on more than 13,000 French, has found that men who took a pill for 8 years of vitamins and minerals in small doses (vitamins C and E, beta carotene, zinc, selenium) had had one-third of cancer in less and a reduced mortality of 37%.

Tablets, capsules, ampoules ...

But what do we mean by "additions" or "supplements"? Since 2002, a European regulatory framework gives a fairly accurate definition. These are products aimed to supplement the diet and correct or restore body functions, consisting, in concentrated form, nutrients (minerals, vitamins ??) or other substances that affect nutritional or physiological (plants, fish oils ??). They are taken orally and are marketed as tablets, capsules, ampoules or sachets. The "dietary supplements" are rather intended to fight against deficiencies in those whose nutritional needs are individuals: infants, pregnant women, the elderly? ? And dietary supplements are commonly used by athletes to offset the effects of stress, slow aging and prevent degenerative diseases or offset the effects of exposure to toxic (tobacco, pollution ??). But the difference is subtle.

Mistrust on the Internet

Whatever your needs, do not decide anything alone. Dietary supplements are not strictly speaking drugs, but do not take them indiscriminately. First, because there are cons-indications. Second, some substances can interact with each other or with medications you take elsewhere. Third, because of the risk of overdose. To avoid problems, talk to your pharmacist. He will advise you based on your profile, your health and your expectations. And do not place an order online. Food supplements there are no guarantees in composition and effectiveness. Some are even dangerous and banned in France or Europe ??

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