Wednesday 14 January 2015

And if you decide not fat?

A very serious and recent study demonstrates that fatness percentage is continuously increased. One from three persons has excess fats. What not to increase the statistics?

Increasingly large: an alarming

Since 1997, the number of normal weight decreases steadily and overweight increases, and in all occupational categories. Nevertheless, it is among the inactive that this increase is the largest wholesale.
Note that the majority of overweight generally exceeded 55 more we get, the more we tend to get fat. But what is new this year is that the proportion of overweight in the age group 25 to 34 years increased much more than the other. In other words, now is growing more and earlier!
Each study since 1997 had shown that overweight men outnumbered women. But this year, they are starting to catch up. Probably because they pay the effects of repeated dieting which, we know, make you fat!
All this is not really welcoming ...

Wake-up call on the " gratefulness"

It does not grow without the knowledge of his own free!
We always bigger because you swallow more calories than it spends. And heredity aggravates this scheme which it is impossible to get out.
Stress also plays its role. It could act on the production of hormones promoting fat storage. And it promotes anything that inevitably grow food: breakfasts and lunches retracted or too fast, snacks repeatedly, drinks and sweetened products painkillers.
It grows because we eat too much fat and too sweet but also because we do not move enough: we do not do enough work his muscles while they are the biggest consumers of energy.

Hunt fat

Eat less fat, less calories are absorbed as they are the lipids that contribute most: 9 per gram. It is not to ban it entirely but moderate. A cup of the oil bottle in order to cook with less fat. Butter and / or margarine in small quantities (10 to 15 g per day). Meats and cheeses only occasionally. Little or no trade-cooked meals, or those so-called energy bars and which are stuffed. A frying not more than once per week.


Half of our daily calories should be provided by carbohydrates is the basis of a balanced diet. And a kind of insurance do not eat over its needs, so do not get fat. When they are for instance of 2000 calories, 250 g of carbohydrates (x 4 = 1000 calories) are required.
This is why it is essential to eat bread (50-55% carbohydrates) with every meal: 250 g per day, it is the right dose that provides about 140 g. The rest will be provided by the pasta, rice, other grains, pulses, potatoes to be included on the menu. All these foods are rich in complex carbohydrates, that is to say, they slowly and gradually deliver the energy they contain.

Some sugar

But it is necessarily good balance disrupted when consuming too much sugar more than 25 to 30 g per day. This is not the one in pieces or powder that is the most dangerous because we can see, it has conscience! It's the sugar that is hidden in drinks and all sweet products.
At a rate of 10 g in 10 cl of soda (the minimum), that 25-33 grams of sugar (depending on the size of the box) swallowed without even that one noticing. It is the nutritional disaster, especially as sodas do not really quench.
All sweets are also full of sugar, biscuits, industrial desserts, sweet dairy products too. And it consumes a lot!
Why too much sugar make you fat? Simply because it provides a temporary boost followed by a slowdown resulting to consume again. Thus we quickly exceed its energy needs and that grows.
Add to that the sugar contains nothing else: no vitamins, no minerals, causing an imbalance in the diet.

Getting around

Do not spend enough calories makes you fat too. You leave your car (or a bus or subway) to get on an elevator or escalator, we ask 8 hours a day on a chair in front of a computer at the office and then 2-3 hours in a couch watching TV before going to sleep. This is the current rate of our sedentary life. Even if we walk a little during the weekends, although it has a few hundred meters to go to reach its judgment of transport, all this does not do much work our muscles. And grows slowly!
One can hope that in the next survey in three years, the recent enthusiasm for cycling through the installation in large cities, have reduced the number of overweight!
But what to do now to avoid increasing the damn statistics too big, it's more opportunities to operate the muscles in his legs when walking as often as possible. It's really not complicated!
Drink water, eat bread, slow on fat and sugar, it is not either.

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