Saturday 3 January 2015

Healthy diet: 8 commandments

Prevention of many diseases, including cancers, are recommended foods and other recommended. But overall, what are the key points that a healthy person has to apply to remain and live longer? Here are the 8 dietary recommendations that we urge all to adopt now.

8 dietary recommendations
In Western countries, our eating habits considerably derivative and it is not a day goes by that releases new scientific evidence that our modern diet is one of the main sources of most chronic diseases. It is time to redress the balance. The problem is there are so many recommendations, advice, and even claims on food products, which we do not know what to believe. After sorting and therefore depending on what the public has already assimilated, here are 8 nutritional tips we can all apply now.

1) Drinking tea

The tea is full of antioxidants, anti-aging molecules par excellence. Antioxidants help the body fight against inflammatory processes and evidence now accumulating vis-à-vis cancers. It is especially the polyphenols, one of the great families of antioxidants, which intervene in the prevention of cancers. In practice, the richest in polyphenols is green tea, provided directly use the leaves which is allowed to brew a long time (10 minutes) and not green tea extracts and drink green tea.

2) From the turmeric in all dishes

This yellow spice, light taste that gives the red color of curry, exerts potent antioxidant and anticancer properties better and better documented. Studies also show that turmeric, or curcumin, is capable of inhibiting the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain to cause Alzheimer's disease. The reasons are more than sufficient to add as often as possible in dishes, salads, desserts and even some pinch of this spice. In practice, it is advisable to associate black pepper turmeric large proportion to potentiate the antioxidant effects of turmeric.

3) Fish: twice a week minium

The fish are the foods rich in omega-3 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly beneficial for the heart and cardiovascular system. In contrast, with pollution, number of fish accumulate mercury, a toxic heavy metal particularly in pregnant women and very young children. It is therefore recommended to these last two populations do not exceed two times a week, if not to use an omega-3 supplementation. Note that the omega-3 are involved in the composition of cell membranes including neurons. In this context, they could be beneficial against depression and other mood disorders and behavior.

4) Eat eggs "blue heart" or bio

Formerly, the hens were fed purslane. This plant is rich in omega-3 eggs were also naturally. With the development of industrial farming techniques, it is no longer the case. But now some producers changed the diet of chickens enriching flaxseed, another plant rich in omega-3, so that they produce eggs whose composition is similar to that of the past. So to enjoy the eggs while full of omega-3, simply turn to organic eggs or carrying the "blue-white-heart" logo. Although they are more expensive, they are widely better for health.

5) Keep only olive oil and rapeseed oil for cooking and seasoning

Dispose of butter and margarine for cooking and keep only olive oil and rapeseed. These oils can perfectly be used for any cook and to make seasonings. Remember that the less fat for good health are animal fats and those which are solid at room temperature.

6) Increase plant foods and decrease those of animal origin

Ideally, we should strive for a virtually zero consumption of meats, not to exceed 300 to 500 grams of red meat per week and to 600 g per day of non-starchy vegetables and fruits.

7) Limit sugary drinks

Being overweight is bad for the heart and blood vessels, it is a powerful risk factor for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, but also cancer. It is therefore necessary to manage the quantity and quality of dietary fat, but also to limit simple sugar intake including sweetened beverages such as sodas and other drinks with added sugar, such as some fruit juice. Meanwhile, it may be advisable to use sweeteners to sweeten tea, coffee and some desserts.

8) Limit or eliminate alcohol

The recommended amount of alcohol to health continues to decrease and may soon come close to zero quantity. For the heart, the latest official recommendations indicate not exceed 3 drinks per day for men and 2 drinks per day for women. However, according to the latest analysis to date, it would be better to be limited to 6 drinks per week maximum, which is a man or a woman. And finally, the report's global research against cancer Fund (WCRF), published in November 2007, abstinence is preferable in cancer prevention. Obviously, between heart health and cancer, he will have to choose.

And finally, the food is not the only factor determining our health. Regularly practice a sport or maintain moderate physical activity is essential. The minimum goal is to reach 30 minutes of brisk walking a day, or twice a week to those who can not achieve this (age, disease, physical inactivity ...).

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