Friday 9 January 2015

Overweight in children: 4 rules to lose weight and feel better

A method has been developed for parents and their overweight child. Very original, it has the distinction of being very strict in certain respects (no exception is tolerated) and very flexible in others (no food is forbidden).

An overweight child is rarely good about yourself. This method should allow it to acquire long-term simple and effective behavioral principles to lose weight gradually, keep it off and feel good about yourself. Note that this method was tested by 27 years of practice.

What are the four rules of this method ?

1) Do not be reused.
2) Eat only during meals.
3) Walk 30 minutes a day.
4) Never be alone (e) at home.
These four rules are simple and must be followed to the letter. No deviation is permitted. We must not "try", "limited" or "avoid" but strictly follow all of these instructions 4, and systematically every day! The child must certainly be helped by his parents, but must also understand the rules and the impossibility waived. In return, no food is banned or conversely taxed.

Small additional explanations

Walking is the most natural activity of the child. He must earn a minimum of 30 minutes of walking a day. In parallel, he can watch TV or play games on the computer, at the discretion of the parents, of course.
The meal is a time during which the child is seated at a table with cutlery and someone else beside him.
Any food whatsoever (even a candy bar), which was desired by snacking (and therefore not consumed as snacking is not allowed), should be offered the dessert the next meal.
The taste has only one food, which can be a pastry, an individual bag of crisps, yoghurt, soft drink ...
Any sweet drink should be considered as solid food.
Parents should not take an aperitif with friends or family. This moment of the aperitif is a real trap for the child. And even if there are only radishes, that just before the meal snacking alters appetite. Parents need to do this for their child.
The other constraint for parents is often to ensure it is no longer alone in the house.

In conclusion, parents and children are involved and together they will gain weight loss and they will relish a new well-being.

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