Wednesday 28 January 2015

Bread place in a healthy diet

Bread (or rather breads) occupies a privileged place in a healthy diet. Unlike a recue idea, it is not fattening: satiating, it can be integrated with each meal because in addition it provides complex carbohydrates, it contains fiber, vitamins, minerals and almost no fat. The only requirement, vary the types of bread. So do not take systematically "baguette" (white flour)!

Why must vary the bread?

Because their composition varies greatly, depending on the particular type of flour from which they are made. Full campaign, rye, bis, how to navigate the wide variety of bread?

the wand

It is made from wheat flour (wheat flour). Originally dough meets a very simple recipe: flour, water, yeast or leaven and salt. But from there, there are numerous variants, ranging from the simple presentation (molded bar or white flour underneath ??), associations of flour or leavening. Thus we are left with the classic baguettes, tradition, old, etc.

The country bread
Its composition varies by region freely. However, it is wheat flour, mixed or not with rye flour, has a thick crust and a slightly tart taste.

The rye bread and rye bread

The name depends on the mix: rye flour and wheat flour. Rye bread contains at least 35% rye flour, while the rye bread must contain at least 10% rye flour.

Wholemeal bread

Made from whole wheat flour, it contains a lot of fiber, two times more than white flour baguette. If it is indicated in cases of intestinal laziness, it is to be consumed in small amounts could trigger digestive disorders. Also, be aware that as they contain the peripheral shells of the grain, they may be more contaminated by pesticides. So prefer organic whole grain breads.

The bran bread

The sound is the name given to the shell of the grain. But as it is made from white flour, it contains less fiber than whole wheat bread.

Sourdough bread

Leaven is a fermented dough that ensures the lifting of the dough.

The cereal bread

Wheat and rye flour were mixed and added to seeds (sunflower, linseed, sesame, soy, etc.). But be aware that some seeds contain lipids, giving a little more fat bread ?? If it is important to know the different types of bread is that it should be consumed varied way. If you are fond of the white wand, do you impose at first to buy another type of bread at least once a week. Then you will see, depending on your menus, your privilege different kinds of bread, for your pleasure ?? and your health.

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