Thursday 22 January 2015

Tips to strengthen your weight loss motivation

Return to weight loss, sport, training, smoking cessation,... such goals will not only require the will to achieve it. It must also be a sufficient dose of motivation, which is built and maintained. How? Here are some tips to strengthen your motivation.

Your motivation is your engine, which you will achieve your goal! But as with any engine, its operation depends on its brakes and its accelerators. As for the speed or cadence, it is based on a balance between brakes and accelerators. Logically, the more you limit the brakes, the more you increase accelerators, and your goal will be close and achievable.

Work your Accelerators

1) Visualize your goal well. It must be accurate. Take time to think about it and realize it. Can you imagine being a regular sports in 6 months? Want to become a non-smoker? You already see with your 7 kg less? Mentally, you forge an image: the look of a sporty woman in great shape, the freedom not to smoke gives you a bright face, a new look at your figure, etc.
2) List the benefits
On a sheet of paper, write down all conceivable benefits you will achieve your goal. Do you plan. Your goal achieved, what will change for you, what will be better than before, your mind, your physical activities? How you perceive yourself and how others perceive you? Will improve your fitness, your body will harmoniously muscular, you will not be short of breath, your cough will disappear, your risk of cancer will decrease, you can finally wear skirts, your stress will decrease, your confidence will increase, this competition will be available, etc.
Do not lose this list, let it handy in order to check daily and continue to think in order to complete it. Attention all benefits contained therein are strictly personal: they are yours. This list will help you strengthen your motivation and you build a positive morale.

Raise your brakes

1) Identify your brakes and find them a convenient way to get rid of them: after every diet you've gained weight; your workouts always end up space quickly; you have difficulty organizing your time. It's not easy, but it is the only way to lift your brakes.

2) Eliminate your unfounded beliefs after a certain age, it's harder to return to sport; it is inevitable to gain weight at menopause; I am overweight since childhood; it's hereditary, etc.
3) Drive away your negative arguments: people who have stopped smoking around me were all taken; every time I took the exam, I was too stressed; without a cigarette, I'll be very irritable ...
Boost his motivation is work on oneself that requires time. But to visualize its purpose and to identify its own brakes, it facilitates mental work. At any time, PosiTiVez. This also can be learned!

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