Tuesday 6 January 2015

Protein diets: choose meats

While we eat less meat - especially red - now the wave of the protein diet encourages way to consume. Admittedly, this is not the only protein food, but it is the most practical. So much choose and cook your meat.

Protein foods

At first glance, these protein diets, we are faced with a variety of protein foods.
There is of course the lean cuts of beef and veal. Of these beasts, liver, kidney and tongue. Poultry (except duck and goose), but without the skin. Lean ham, sliced turkey or chicken. Eggs. The fresh and smoked fish, surimi. Seafood (shellfish). Dairy products to the 0% fat and skim milk.
Nice list! It was enough to keep for a week. Yes, but ....

Greedy limits protein foods

All this to be the leanest possible, since the protein diet must be low in fat and carbohydrates, intensive prospects of these protein foods are limited!
Liver and grilled kidneys? Not obvious. Chicken, guinea fowl, rabbit in the oven? OK for chicken (we will then white for a few days), but the guinea fowl and rabbit cooked well is dry, even spread with mustard.
Lean ham, turkey breasts, chicken: this is blister, industrial, not much exciting.
Eggs? Hard, they stall, without mayonnaise, it is not really great! A shell or calves, they are digested quickly and it was soon hungry after.
Poached or baked fresh fish? Very good, but the fish, without anything else, it's like eggs, quickly absorbed and munchies to the key.
Surimi? It is important not to read the list of ingredients of the fish paste stuffed with additives, it disgusts forever!
Shellfish? Not really practical in everyday life. Crustaceans? How much to shrimp or prawns to be satisfied? Lot and it is expensive! As for the lobster, do not talk.
Dairy products to 0%? Great for breakfast and snacks, but we will not make a meal with it.
This protein diet normally lasts one week, fourteen meals outside of breakfast. If we want to go the distance, do not suffer too much from the deprivation of vegetables and fruit, bread and other cereals, it is clear that the meat is proving to be the most satiating protein food, the most easy to use . It will be inserted between frequent fish, eggs, shellfish etc.
As many well choose and cook well.

At the butcher

If you buy a tray of meat in a large area, you will know almost everything about its origin, through mandatory traceability, but you will know nothing of his taste. It comes mostly from a dairy cow, having given a lot of milk and we ended up shooting for its meat, which is not really top!
So go to a good butcher: this is where you will find the French meat coming from an identified animal, naturally fed properly slaughtered and the flesh between the slaughterhouse and cutting, has matured enough: three weeks is the minimum for that meat is tender and tasty, does not render water during cooking.
Limousine, Aubrac, Salers, Charolais, Parthenaise, Aquitaine, Maine Anjou, a good butcher buys meat from one of these races so-called "meat" that are among the best because the animals are reared solely for slaughter.
As for the calf, choose one of the highest in the Limousin mother: its meat is white, tender to perfection. You can prepare without problems tartare with egg yolk and mustard.

In the kitchen

Now it is to cook the meat, not to damage: the most beautiful products can be destroyed if it is abused during cooking.
You will choose a nice roast beef, you eat raw hot slices and the rest cold meat is what there is of more practical.
Take it out of the fridge 2 hours before to put the meat temperature. Lightly salt the roast. Then do it "crust" in a heated frying pan with a little oil and butter on all sides. So you imprison the juices.
Plug your oven to 120/140 ° C (Th. 4/5). Bake the meat at this temperature and cook the well, 20 minutes per kilo. Then roast stand, covered with foil for 5 to 10 minutes. You'll have a juicy meat. Do the same for a veal roast but then bake it cold.
It is recommended that the butcher Hugo Desnoyer, which provides the greatest Parisian chefs. And published a book this week: "Hugo Desnoyers, tender and bleeding butcher" Assouline Publishing.
Whether or not you have plunged into a protein diet, always prefer quality meat, French, from a beef breed of beast. Wherever you are in Paris or in the provinces, provides a butcher in the near slaughterhouse: he does not buy meat from Argentina. Not only will your meat will be better but again its carbon footprint will be too! Reconciling gluttony and respect for the planet, it's not bad, right?

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